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Jul 8, 2020

In a mini episode, before the launch of season 3, Diversify is back with a starter list of things that white people can do to support the Black Lives Matter movement.

Mainly, we need to seek out and absorb information (without burdening people of colour to aid us in that journey) but we also need to accept that we have a lot to learn.

With love and humbleness, from two hosts who acknowledge that they have a load of stuff left to learn.

Also, Kate struggles to keep inanimate objects in her house from making a ruckus.

Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge Free PDF: b310023621c0a48313e84b35e6386bdfa901.pdf? _ga=2.108365122.1182732778.1593601344-492070206.1593601344

The Good Immigrant:

Natives: Race And Class in the Ruins Of Empire: natives/akala/9781473661233

I know Why The Caged Bird Sings by Maaya Angelo: book/i-know-why-the-caged-bird-sings/maya-angelou/9780860685111

Brit-Ish - Efua Hirsch: 9781784705039

James Baldwin - Notes on a Native: native-son/james-baldwin/9780241334003

How to Support Black Lives Matter: support-black-lives-matter

A link to an article in the Guardian archiving underreported deaths of black lives in police custody in the UK: